Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sun-dried Tomato Biscuit Poppers - Gluten Free

Since I have cut out gluten I am missing my crackers, biscuits, crispy breads, etc. Sure you can find gluten free, organic, whole food crackers, breads etc, but you will pay for them, they are quite pricey. Even still, many "healthy" brands include things that I don't want to put in my body, so I am constantly reading labels and more than naught, I will be making my own if I want something. So, I have been experimenting and these came out so tasty they are a definite do-over. Now, I made these with the idea that I'd eat a couple with a meal, but they ended up "being" my meal! They were that tasty! (No worries, I ate a huge salad earlier in the day!) They were exactly what I was hoping for, dense, crunchy, flavorful, I ate mine dipped into a tiny drizzle of olive oil with some sea salt sprinkled in it.

The great thing about buckwheat is that it is not a grain, it is a seed. I know it sounds like it's related to wheat, but it is actually completely different and contains no gluten. It is nutrient dense and is a complete protein like quinoa and hemp. To add to that it has high levels of manganese, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants, quercitin and rutin. Here is a great article on buckwheat.

Sprouting buckwheat is easy! I started mine the night before. I soaked the buckwheat overnight, drained it and rinsed it and let it sit in the colander over a bowl draining until later in the day when I was ready to use it. The buckwheat already had tiny tails! You can eat the buckwheat just like this too, they are crispy and tasty. Anyway, onto the good stuff!

2 cups of buckwheat (sprouted)
2 soaked dates
1 garlic clove
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tsp milled flax or chia
1 tbsp sea salt (plus some for sprinkling on top)
1 tbsp poppy seeds
1 tbsp sesame seeds
5 sun-dried tomatoes diced

The night before soak 2 cups of dry buckwheat in twice as much water. The next morning, drain and rinse your buckwheat and leave it in the colander so it can drain well until you use it. It will continue to sprout.

Add the sprouted wet buckwheat, pitted dates and garlic clove to your food processor and process for 2-3 minutes until it breaks down to a sticky dough type consistency. Add the rest of the ingredients and process again for a few seconds, or until all ingredients are blended and you have a doughy texture with small chunks of sun-dried tomatoes. Spoon teaspoon size biscuits onto a baking sheet, sprinkle poppy seeds and sea salt over the tops, and bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. You could also dehydrate these on a telflex dehydrator sheet instead of baking if you want a raw version! Another option is to roll these out flat and make them into crackers or even a crispy dense pizza crust! This recipe makes about 2 dozen bite size biscuits. Enjoy~

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